Saturday, January 30, 2016

Research on Vikram Patel

 After starting our collaborative portrait, we were asked to research on the person in which were working on (Vikram Patel).

Vikram Patel is known to be one of the most 100 influential people on times magazine. He basically helps bring better mental health care to low resource communities. He does this by teaching ordinary people too deliver basic psychiatric services. He is also known for his vital contribution in laying the foundation of global mental health thorough numerous research articles and textbooks. He also researched and have looked at the burden of mental disorders and suicide in young people; the association of prover and gender based violence with depression and suicide; HIV/AIDS and maternal as well as child health.

Creating a Collaborative Portrait

During the start of this specific topic, each group were given 32 A4 papers in which when placed together created a large scale photo of one of the most 100 influential people on times magazine and as for my group (Dia, Husnaa, Virgina and Insia) were given the portrait of Vikram Patel. And as for this project, we were asked to recreate this portrait using different materials in order to recreate an effective portrait.

Chuck Close Inspired Grid Pencil Technique

As we completed the Cindy Sherman inspired photographic portraits, we were asked to do the same using inspiration from Chuck Close. To start off, we had to print a clear black and white A4 sized portrait of either a family member, relative, friends or even ourself as Chuck Close had already done. For this particular task, I have chosen my cousin. We then had to create a photo-realistic portrait using the style of technique of Chuck Close (Grid Technique). While creating this, we had to focus on using a range of B pencils to create a range of textures and tonal values in order to create the inspired portrait. 

Cindy Sherman inspired Portraits & Reflection

After completing our PowerPoint presentations, we then continued further with the ideas and techniques of Cindy Sherman and were asked to create a series of portraits that explore identity in the style of Cindy Sherman. As we were done, we then had to write a reflection that explains how and why we created the works which we've created and further explore this work. As for this certain project, I have recreated my own photos inspired by Cindy Sherman and I have chosen her Clown idea and concept using a variety of apps, make-ups and props like the way Cindy Sherman had done. In my opinion, the clown works of Cindy Sherman had the most impact because, it personally gave me a better understanding of her work. My subject is generally focused on the dark side of Cindy Sherman by demonstrating and bringing out the different ways and faces of  'clowns'; as Cindy Sherman has done for her clown images. Cindy Sherman herself describes this certain concept of photography as intense, nasty and ugly side since she believes clowns have an underlying sense of sadness while they're trying to cheer other people up. I personally agree with this statement because clowns are always known for their happiness and their 'funny actions'. Accordingly, clowns are always seen and present at little children's birthday party for entertainment. Although 'happy' is what we see on the outside can it be the same underneath all that makeup and costume?  

Here are the inspired photographic portraits which I have created as an inspiration to Cindy Sherman: 

Comparative Study PowerPoint Presentation

After researching on the two artists, Cindy Sherman and Chuck Close, we then had to choose a partner and work in pairs to create a Comparative study PowerPoint presentation based on both artists. We had to demonstrate knowledge and understanding on function and purpose of art works created by Cindy Sherman & Chuck Close. We also had to include social historical contact of these works and explain why both artists are deemed as two of the very best in the world today. Furthermore, we had to demonstrate critical thinking and interpret the works highlighting similarities and differences.

Artist Research: Chuck Close

After researching on the artist Cindy Sherman, we then started to research on another artist called Chuck Close; in order to get more familiar with his famous grid- technique portraits. Throughout my research based on Chuck Close, I've discovered that most of the work by Chuck Close, is based on the use of a grid as a underlying basis. Chuck Close is indeed a very creative person who uses many techniques and methods. Everything he makes is from photographs and images because as my teacher always mentions, artists generally use primary source images rather than a secondary source image; meaning they generally take photographs and print it out rather than finding images from the media. After he has his primary source image ready, he then cuts those images down into small pieces which allows him to concentrate onto one piece of image. Furthermore, all his portraits are either his family, friends, relative or even himself. He also believes that a person's face shows what kind of life they had. 
However, before we were instructed to create a double page based on Chuck Close, as a class, we had watched a video about Chuck Close which presented the techniques of Chuck Close and his process through creating portraits and as a homework, we were asked to continue watching the video as it was quite long and take down notes. 

Artist research: Cindy Sherman

As a start off to the topic, we were asked to research on the artist Cindy Sherman. We basically had to   figure out who she was as an artist as well as the arts produced by her; in order to get more familiar with artist research and different techniques used by them. We also had to choose four art works created by Cindy Sherman and analyse each four of them. Throughout my research, I have learnt that, Cindy Sherman takes photographs using props, make-up and photoshops in order to present a wide range of characters which each presents a variety of different personality. She basically creates a whole new world for each of them; whether the character is male or female. 

MYP Unit: Perceptions Of Self & MindMap

Key concepts: Identities and relationships 
Related concepts: Communities 
Statement of inquiry: The process of artistic creation can lead to self discovery 
Inquiry question: What connections of elements can be identified as specific to the genre? 

Before starting our very first unit of the year regarding perception of self, we were put into groups which we then had to create a mind map about everything we knew that related to perception of self. 
These points included:
  • Mentality 
  • Personality - Beliefs 
  • Family - Self experiences, culture, style 
  • Background - Choices you make
  • Talents 
  • Self appearance - Photos, Selfies- filters (different appearances) - Social Media , Make-up 
  • Point of View - Likes and Dislikes 


This is basically my MYP Arts process journal. This blog will include of documented evidence and process throughout my learning of Visual Arts in year 10. The reason as to why I've chosen this specialism is because, I have a strong passion and interest towards Art especially creating Art. During the MYP course of art, I look forward in learning new techniques as well as skills, expanding my knowledge towards art and famous artists and also understanding choices and decisions made by a variety of different artists in order to learn and understand how they started and the things they did in order to reach where they are now.